

1484 Uppsatser om Cooperation partners - Sida 1 av 99

Interorganisatorisk ekonomistyrning i nära relationer : En fallstudie av relationen mellan ett stort köpande företag och två av dess viktigaste samarbetspartners

Title: Interorganizational accounting in close relations ? A case study of the relation between a big purchasing company and two of their most important Cooperation partners Course: Master thesis in Business and Administration within Accounting, 30 ECTS Advisor: Gun Abrahamsson Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of business relationships, management information systems and interorganizational accounting. Conclusions: Despite a difference in the relations the interorganizational accounting is designed and used in a similar way. The interorganizational accounting that exists in the two relations has a medium scope, fast timeline, high aggregation and high integration. The information is mainly used for attention directing and for decision making.

Samverkan 4 U : En studie om samverkan med organisationen Here 4 U

The present study sought to examine the collaborative role of the student organization Here 4 U and the impact of this collaboration on the organization and its partners. As a point of departure a questionnaire was distributed to supervisors, principals and other Cooperation partners of Here 4 U, the most prominent quantitative results of which were related to previous research, new institutional theory and empowerment theory. It turned out that partners interacting with Here 4 U felt that the collaboration was necessary and wanted to continue with it. The respondents to the questionnaire were asked to define the concept of collaboration. Factors emphasized by respondents included feeling of community, security, and common goals.

Kommunalt samarbete för att stärka en turistdestination : en studie av turistdestinationen Roslagen

The purpose of the study is to investigate and elucidate how and why municipalities cooperate across municipal boundaries with destination development. To answer the purpose the authors chose two research questions:What are the incentives of cooperation between the municipalities in Roslagen? What are the possibilities and difficulties of cooperation? In order to answer the research questions interviews with local business managers, administrative director, the acting Head of destination and tourist office staff were made. Municipalities have signed a cooperation agreement in October/November 2008, where they will work more formal together to strengthen the destination Roslagen. The result of the study shows that the main motive for municipal cooperation is the sharing of financial resources to promote and develop the destination Roslagen together.

Produktkvalitet som drivkraft för kundnöjdhet : Kund- och partnererfarenheter gällande Microsofts CRM-system - Microsoft Dynamics CRM

What is customer satisfaction and when does it occur? Microsoft?s customers and partners state that product quality is the strongest driver for customer satisfaction. To be able to increase customer satisfaction Microsoft must know how their partners and customers define product quality. This study investigates product quality in general terms but also in the context of the product Microsoft Dynamics CRM in addition to experience from some of Microsoft?s customers and partners.

Folkbibliotekets roll i det lokala samhället ? Tre kvalitativa fallstudier

The aim of this master?s study is to examine the function of the public library in the local community at present. I have searched for the answers to the following questions: Which position has the public library in the local cultural policy? What characterizes each library and which are the priorities? What is the local profile of the public library? What Cooperation partners does the public library have and what do they mean to the library? Does the public library intensify the local community in any way? To answer this, I have made three qualitative case studies. Interviews and collection of documents were carried out in three different communities.

Framgångsfaktorer i ett drogpreventivt förändringsarbete

This masters degree is a study of factors of success in a drug preventions work of change and model or method which could facilitate this work. The target group, which is in focus in this survey, is alcohol- and drug coordinators, also called prevention coordinators who?s main task is to develop and coordinate the preventive work in the alcohol and drugs area. My method of investigation is a combination of literature studies and a quantitative poll study with the target group, alcohol and drug presenters?, in Sweden.

Brothers in arms or partners in crime? A study of the gap between EU and USA in the cooperation against global terrorism.

In this thesis I analyse and discuss what impact the 2003 U.S lead intervention in Iraq, had for the cooperation against global terrorism between the European Union and the United States. Six years have passed since the Bush administration decided to go on with the intervention, even though they did not have the necessary UN mandate. Due to unsuccessful argumentation in favour of the intervention by the Bush administration, the world got divided. George W. Bush reference to a ?war on terror?, which passed almost unnoticed by Americans, rang alarm bells in many European countries.

Att leva med bröstcancer - En litteraturstudie om kvinnors och deras partners upplevelser kring sjukdomen

Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa kvinnors och deras partners upplevelser av att leva med bröstcancer. Metod var en litteraturstudie enligt Polit m fl (2001), baserad på tio vetenskapliga artiklar. Den teoretiska referensramen var Carnevalis (1999) Dagligt liv - Funktionellt Hälsotillståndsmodellen. Resultatet uppdelades i fyra teman och flera underteman som beskriver hur det är att leva med bröstcancer ur kvinnans och partners synvinkel. Teman var: fysiska, psykiska, sociala och existentiella upplevelser.

Partners upplevelser efter att den andra partnern drabbats av stroke

Bakgrund: I Sverige drabbas varje år cirka 30 000 personer av stroke. En stroke innebär att en hjärninfarkt eller blödning uppstår i hjärnans blodkärl vilket leder till syrebrist. Många patienter som drabbats av stroke får sin rehabilitering och återhämtning i hemmet istället för på sjukhus. De uppger att behovet av stöd från sin partner är stor.Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva partners upplevelser efter att den andra partnern drabbats av stroke.Metod: En litteraturstudie genomfördes med deskriptiv design. Systematiska sökningar har genomförts i databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed och Svemed+ som resulterade i tio vetenskapliga artiklar.

Att förlora kontrollen En litteraturstudie om kvinnors och partners upplevelse av fibromyalgi

The purpouse with this litterature review is to investigate how women diagnosed with fibromyalgia handle their disease and what it implicates for a partner. The questions are: How do women suffering from fibromyalgia experience and deal with their daily life? What does it mean to live with a person diagnosed with fibromyalgia? In order to answer these question, scientific articles were reviewed and then analyzed with an inductive approach. The analysis generated three themes concerning women's experiences and dealing with fibromyalgia: losses/adjustment, changed relationships, lack of knowledge and three themes describing partners' experiences: increased responsibility/new tasks, changed relationships and lack of knowledge..

Det organisatoriska mötet : en studie om myndighetssamverkan kring våld och övergrepp mot barn

Today, it is prescribed by law that authorities should cooperate, especially around vulnerable children. There is a need in Sweden of research about cooperation and the problems that can occur. Hence, this study seeks to examine which structural organizational conditions that affect cooperation in a few consultation groups around violence and sexual abuse against children in Kronobergs län. Another aim is to see which meaning these conditions have for a functioning cooperation. Eight interviews have been done to investigate how different actors felt about cooperation, in the consultation groups.

Samverkan kring arbetsrehabilitering : En kvalitativ studie av ett projekt

ABSTRACTThe purpose of our study was to examine how four different organizations cooperate on rehabilitation of people to get them back to employment. More specifically our aim was to investigate how different organizations in a project, involving workrehabilitation, looks at cooperation. Our main questions were vague at the beginning of our study, but finally our focus became clear. The questions were formed with help from the research of Hjortsjö (2006) and Fridolf (2000): Which possibilities and hindrances identify the different organizations which cooperate? What does cooperation mean to the representatives from the different organizations which are included in KARB? Our result shows that the respondents mostly think positive of the project KARB.

"Om jag släpper taget, då kanske han dör" : En kvalitativ studie om hur kvinnliga partners till kemiskt beroende beskriver att de hanterar sin livssituation.

The aim of this study is to explain and try to get an understanding for how women who are partners to substance missusers handle their lifesituation. To fulfill the aim of the study a qualitive method is used with a focus group as a data collection method. The theoretical framework is coping theory and system theory. The results show that women who are partners to substance missusers describe that they have a lifesituation filled with stress and worry. Because of their situation the women create and adjust their behaviors.

Att få diagnosen Asperger syndrom i vuxen ålder : ur ett individperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyse the consequences of being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome during adulthood. My ambition was to investigate the participants? perspective on how the diagnosis affected their lives and relationships with their partners. To answer the purpose three questions were formulated: (1) How did the participants experience being diagnosed with Asperger syndrome? (2) What have the diagnosis meant to the participants? self-image and self understanding? (3) Have the diagnosis influenced the participants? understanding of their partners and have the diagnosis influenced the partners? understanding of the participants? The study is based on qualitative interviews with two men and two women living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Samverkan - mål eller medel? : Ett samverkansprojekt mellan fyra offentliga organisationer

The main question in this thesis has been to see how the brand strategy of Linköpings Hockey Club has changed during the years in the Swedish elite league. We will also look at the content of the brand, as well as the association as the city of Linköping. This thesis will also see the sponsorship view of the development of the brand, because of the sponsorship power to help the association to build and strengthen the brand.We have been interviewing important persons at the association Linköpings Hockey Club and also done interviews with a few sponsorship partners to get important information to analyze.As an association it is of outmost importance to disseminate the association?s image in the right way, which Linköpings Hockey Club has according to their sponsorship partners. The association has during the last years been working hard to take care of and strengthen the brand, which can be seen among the sponsorship partners.

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